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Simple Math

We arrived at the Tocumen International Airport in Panama City, Panama at 6:30 in the morning.  I hadn’t slept in a day and a half.  This was the culmination of the greater part of a lifetime of wanting to move overseas.  We finally did it.  And man, did I feel some things: excited for our new chapter, nervous about getting through customs, but mostly scared. 

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39 and Bouncing

I saw a post that said, “The top reason old men end up getting injured is that they still think they’re young men.” If I had a nickel for every time I thought, “Yup, that’s my husband,” I’d probably have enough nickels to pay for his medical bills.

2 years

2 years ago, we landed in Panama. At 6am. A country I had been to only long enough to get residency, and a country that Garrett and the girls had never been to. The last 2 years have been a roller coaster of emotions and we’ve been pushed to our limits.

A Year’s Worth of Updates: Cliff Notes Edition

It’s been over a year since we last posted on this blog. There’s really no particular reason for that—just the usual stuff everyone deals with. Life gets busy, and every time I thought about writing, I’d be like 😳 where do I begin? What have I shared? What do people want to know? Is anyone…


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